
Reminder of the Annual Meeting

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The board of directors welcomes members to our fourth annual meeting.

Time, Place, Language 

When: Wednesday, September 15, 19:00-20:30. Come early for PIZZA at 18:30!

Where: Hypnos Theatre 

Language: The meeting will be conducted in english. 


Members are notified about the annual meeting on the homepage of the association’s website and via email. 


1. Welcome and opening of the meeting

2. Election of meeting chair and secretary

3. Election of auditors of minutes for the annual meeting and the vote tallies

4.  Establish electoral register

5. Approval of the agenda

6. Determine whether the formal procedures concerning the announcement of this General Annual Meeting have been met.

7. Reports

a) Chair’s report of the activities during the past year

b) Treasurer’s report for the past year

c) Auditor’s report (The report is available to read here.)

8. Release of the board from liability for the period covered by the auditor’s report.

9. Setting of membership fees.

10. Presentation of the operational plan & budget for 2021. (The plan & budget are available to read here.)

11. Motions

#1 “Ratification of changes to Föreningen Film i Malmö’s statutes which were approved at the Annual Meeting on November 30, 2020.”

Read the current statutes with items affected by this ratification here.

Read the new version which will take effect if this motion passes, here.

#2 “To compel the verksamhetskommittee (the committee responsible for the förenings annual budget for operations), to perform a cost-benefit analysis of registering with Filmägarens kontrollbyrå (FKB) and if the committee thereafter considers registration and the opportunities it presents to be (1) financially viable, (2) able to be carried out with our current resources and (3) a positive step toward fulfilling the aims of our förening, then Föreningen Film i Malmö is charged with undertaking immediate steps to register with FKB.” Read full motion here.

Board remarks addressing Motion #2 “The board of directors believe this motion will have a positive impact for the members of Film i Malmö and we think that it’s a good idea to investigate this possibility.” 06/09/2021

12. Election of the new board: chair, other board members and deputy board members. The nominees for the 2021 Board of Directors are

Paul Kraus (current chairperson, served since 2019)

Sebastian Mehrstedt (current treasurer, served since 2019)

Amir Noghabai (current board member, served since 2020)

Marina Boskovic (current board member, served since 2020)

Jakob Sahlström

13. Election of the election committee. Nominees are:

Moa B. Jones (served on election committee 2021)

Karla Tijero (served on election committee 2021)

Iain Dace (served on election committee 2021)

14. Election of auditor. (No nominees.)

15. Meeting ends

Warm welcome!

Film i Malmö’s Board of Directors

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