
About Film i Malmö

Founded in December 2018 as a non-profit organization with the broad mission to support local film culture, Film i Malmö rents the venue, Hypnos Theatre, to build a vibrant social atmosphere where everyone – casual movie-goers, filmmakers and devout cinephiles, alike – feel most welcome. 

Thanks to a few highly-devoted volunteers, responsible for programming, promotion and hosting, Film i Malmö has screened a diverse selection of over 400 films.

We are grateful to have the opportunity to present films in accordance with our agreement with SwedishFilm and on special occasions with support from Malmö Stad.

Film i Malmö
Norra Grängesbergsgatan 15
214 50 Malmö

If you are a filmmaker or organization interested in more information or discussing a possible collaboration, please write to us at info@filmimalmo.se.

2023 Board of Directors:

Chairperson: Aaron Kepler


aaron (at) filmimalmo.se

Aaron is a life-long movie fan who’s been living in Malmö for the past 8 years. He enjoys all types of cinema but has a soft spot for cult and off-beat films from the 40s-80s, from classical hollywood musicals to quirky giallo thrillers. He’s also a member of the curatorial team Klubb Revival. 

Shona MacKenzie



Shona still hasn’t gotten over First Reformed, and probably hasn’t seen that film you’re going to ask them about either. Rest assured though, it’s definitely on their watchlist. They’re always on the lookout for new queer cinema and films that strike that perfect happy-sad balance.

Alexander Totaro



kassa (at) filmimalmo.se

Alex’s dream is to some day take up residence at a 1930s built Art Deco cinema. Maybe sleep in the projection room. As long as there’s enough room for both him and his collection of Swiss cuckoo clocks to nest. For now he’ll settle for hanging out as much as possible at our beloved cinema at ngbg. 

His taste in film spans wide. But he’s especially fond of films from the 1920s-1980s about all things out of the ordinary. Ghosts, monsters, gangsters, space travellers, pirates, gunslingers, dentists, adventurers, bandits and that kind.

owen kraus



owen (at) filmimalmo.se

owen is a cofounder of film i malmö and hypnos theatre. he is a very efficient anarchist, at his best in collaboration. prone to overanalyzing aesthetic gestures in film and literature. in a parallel universe, he is special agent dale cooper.

Paul Gardner


info (at) filmimalmo.se

Paul is the other cofounder and head of operations at Hypnos theatre. You may see him sleep through action movies, but that’s only because he’s more into slow film, and takes care of everything that happens here.

© 2024 Copyright Film i Malmö. | Site by Jake Rebh.