
Verksamhetsberättelse 2023-2024 Film i Malmö

During the past year Film i Malmö has continued its mission of fostering a community for film lovers in Malmö through our regular film programming as well as collaborative efforts and even exciting international outreach. We have grown in our number of members, welcomed several new volunteers who help with running the café and cinema at our regular events and have even visited like-minded independent cinemas and film organizations in 6 cities in 4 different countries. The board has worked consistently to support the growth and work-flow of the organization through strategic planning and investing in resources and events that reflect directly in the growth and quality of the organization. 

Since our last annual meeting in April 2023, Film i Malmö volunteers have organized over 190 unique events, screening well over 200 films spanning from silent films from the 1920s to the latest buzz-worthy films of 2023. We’ve shown groundbreaking television series like TWIN PEAKS and ANGELS IN AMERICA. We’ve hosted all-nighters, double-features and several film marathons from FRIDAY THE 13TH to HARRY POTTER. We’ve programmed a long-running film series with a focus on queer representation in Hollywood cinema and built new relationships with organizations like Malmös own Page 28. We’ve screened sci-fi oddities, classic film noirs, spaghetti westerns, classic rock documentaries and popped unknown kilos of popcorn. Our programmers have worked hard to establish thoughtful and well-rounded calendars that we have even started releasing in print form at our physical events! And through all of this diverse programming and dedication from volunteers we’ve seen 530 new members sign-up to Film i Malmö this year alone with over 150 currently active members at time of writing this report. 

During the past year we also were able to take action with money we were awarded from Malmö Stad and Region Skåne for our Gemenskap över gränser project where we are looking to build a network of similar film organizations in northern europe. Volunteers who spear-headed this project traveled to Berlin, Hamburg, Brussels, Ghent, Amsterdam and Prague to build our network and gain inspiration. Our goal is to build off of these meetings to broaden the scope of Film i Malmö and eventually involve these other groups in a local event here in Malmö. 

As the board reflects on the past year we see a promising trend in the growth and reach of Film i Malmö and look forward to seeing where the next year will take us. We hope to see continued growth in our volunteer base both in the café but also in programming and beyond. We are also looking forward to continuing building on our Gemenskap project as well as new types of programs like the upcoming Free Screen event which has its first iteration on the 11th of April! We wish best of luck to next year’s board and see a bright future for Film i Malmö!

//Film i Malmö styrelse

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